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Join date: Apr 30, 2023


Greetings fellow devotees! I became a devotee of the Goddess Hekate in the summer of 2013, when I first met Her in the Otherworld, not having a clue who She was, or so I thought. Synchronicity brought me to the CoH within days after that meeting. I never felt comfortable mimicking Hellenic practices, I live on the West Coast of Canada, I have no ties to Greece, and it never felt genuine for me. I came upon the Druidry path the following year and from the moment I started on that path, there was no question that this was what going to be the framework for my practice with Hekate. Neo-Druidry is not dogmatic, one can be a Druid and even be a Buddhist, or a Christian. Over the last decade I have built a practice which is entirely land and spirit based, not tied to any culture or peoples, and very inspired by Druidry. I was the editor-in chief of Noumenia News for 4 1/2 years until I retired it in the summer of 2024. I founded the CoH Postcard Swap which I run every couple of years. Presently I work with Torchbearer and fellow Druidry practitioner, Sara, over at The Sanctuary of Hekate Potnia Theron, where we have a thriving Discord community, as well as a website where we share about Hekate, Druidry, and other magical, and even mundane things. We also have a project we launched we are really proud of, The Sacred Grounds of Hekate Potnia Theron. And finally, we are working on a Hekatean Druidry program of study.

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