Hekate's Torches
Are you a traveller looking to learn more about Hekate as you travel around the world? Maybe you are going on a special trip to Greece, Turkey, Southern Italy or another region where Hekate's ancient cult flourished?
This map pinpoints where you might find images or icons of the Goddess Hekate, or something those interested in Hekate might find interesting.
This very special project is the work of Keybearer Christina Moraiti who is based in Athens, Greece. It is a devotional project she has been working on for a number of years - and she welcomes feedback (including information on additional images or icons, and corrections).. Please note that while every effort is made to make this resource accurate, it is your responsibility to check that an item is actually on display before travelling - museums do lend and move items (for example) so an item might not be on display even if marked on this map.