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Sacred Psilocybe / Truffel Visualisation: The Philosopher’s Stone (Tampanensis)

Writer's picture: Sara.VervainSara.Vervain

In the previous post about the Meditation Group, we focused on the importance of meditation and visualization as a way to connect with Hekate. Today, we will explore the importance of meditation as a way to connect with Nature and to explore its different aspects as a way to understand and explore the role of Hekate as Physis - Nature - and Her connection with the natural world of herbs, plants, trees and ‘shrooms. The following powerful meditation, written by Diana van den Branden, is taking place in the Sacred Grounds of Hekate Potnia Theron, a free project maintained by the Sanctuary of Hekate Potnia Theron and open to all the devotees. If you haven’t done the Initial landscape exercises including the Grove Meditation, it is imperative to do them first.

Sacred Psilocybe / Truffel Visualisation: The Philosopher’s Stone (Tampanensis)

Make sure you are sitting in a comfortable position. Keeping your back straight, relax your shoulders and then relax each part of your body, all the way down to your toes while breathing evenly. Close your eyes and begin to concentrate on your breathing. If you already have a breathwork practice you can begin that. If you don’t have one you will find one on the site you can use. Breathwork is important to calm your mind and get yourself into a different state of awareness; one where you can visualise your way into entering the astral realm. When you feel ready, take three deep breaths; one breath imagining the vast cosmos above you, the second breath feeling your feet rooted deeply into the earth, and your third breath imagining a calm sea around you though not touching you. Imagine yourself arriving in Hekate’s Sacred Grove. You are either standing or sitting. See the trees that surround you and feel the comfort and familiarity of the grove. This is a safe place for you which you may always retreat to. The fire is burning gently, sparks twirling in a spiral towards the sky.

You decide to leave the grove and see your torch lying beside the fire, perhaps you pick it up and light it before crossing through the ring of trees. You may also decide you do not need the torch today. You come upon a well-worn dirt path which leads in a slightly winding way through more forest. The tree's limbs twist together above you, but daylight or moonlight can stream down easily, dappling the ground. You walk along making no noise at all as you walk; if it is daytime, you hear the sounds of birds in the woods, if it is nighttime, you hear owls hooting. You feel very safe and comfortable, and you feel curious what will be around the next bend in the path. The temperature is warm with a slight cool breeze you can feel blowing in from the sea you know is to the left of you. You walk along relaxed and content. After a few bends in the path, you come along to a crossroads with two other paths, there is a path slightly upwards and to the right, and there is a path slightly upwards and to the left. In the centre of the crossroads there is a three-formed statue of Hekate, each form facing a different path. You may choose to go right towards Hekate’s Sacred Garden, or you may choose to go towards the left to the grounds of The Temple of Hekate Potnia Theron.

You slowly walk towards the statue, and decide to walk around it to see the various faces of Hekate. On your second round, you notice that one of the faces seems to whisper something to you. You stand and listen. Mycelium... you hear in a soft

whisper... Mycelium.. connection. . And then it's quiet again except for the gentle breeze. You turn around and realise that the path you are now facing leads to the garden.

You decide to follow that path. The bark of the trees is reflecting enough starlight that you can easily find your way. You come to the ornate wood and iron gate nestled in the large hedge surrounding the garden. You pull out your key and unlock it.

As soon as you enter the garden you see a path in front of you which you follow. You come to a circular area with a fountain and a statue of a single-formed Hekate.

You approach the statue of Hekate, and again you hear Mycelium, connection... and another word, Philosopher's stone and as you hear the words whispered, you see clusters of conical capped, thin, smooth and light brown mushrooms in an area to the left of you. That's the mycelium you think, mushrooms are connected to each other, all over the world. You want to walk towards the mushrooms but the sandy soil slides away from under your feet and small compact tubers appear.

How do they feel? What do they smell like? At that point, the dark moon is complete, and it has gone completely dark around you. You feel safe, warm and comfortable there in the darkness. You've dug up a small handful of truffles and take a small bite. What do they taste like? You decide to eat them all and put yourself in a hole in the ground in the warm cosy sand.

You are completely relaxed, safe and warm. You notice that you feel tingling in your fingertips that extends to your entire body. When it reaches your head, you notice small explosions happening, and the journey starts...

The small explosions are followed by the feeling of looking through a huge kaleidoscope of colours and shapes, which is completely intertwined. You feel a little nauseous because of that, but that subsides and you enjoy the splendour of colours that pass you by. You feel that this is the beginning, that this is where the connections are made.

Suddenly, the colours disappear, and your senses experience the world differently. How does the sand feel now? You hear the music of nature, how do you experience it? You look at the statue of Hekate and the trees behind it, what do you see, what do you feel, what do you experience? How does your own body feel? As you enjoy the experience of seeing music, tasting colours, you find yourself going deep within yourself.

You have the feeling that your insides are becoming liquid, that you are made up of layers and the very last layer is your conscious body; all the other layers are of your

subconscious that you are now allowed to behold. Your beautiful sides, your less beautiful sides, everything passes by in a whirlwind of impressions. How do your beautiful sides show themselves? How do your less beautiful sides show themselves? How do your fears show themselves? How do you experience yourself as a whole?

You feel connected to every living thing on earth. As your mind expands, enjoy this experience. And while you are feeling this experience, questions you've always wanted to ask are now being answered as you feel the presence of Hekate. How does she show herself to you? What message does she have for you? How can you live your life?

After a long time in Hekate's company, you find yourself ready to end the experience and feel yourself fully in your body. You climb out of the sand brushing yourself off and thank Hekate for her words and for the amazing experience. And you thank the mushrooms too.

You leave the garden, locking the gate behind you and placing the key around your neck or in your pocket, and walk back to the crossroads...Stay hear whispered to you as you pass by the Three-Formed Hekate and head back to your grove. You know that you can always come back here again, but also that you can evoke the feeling of connection with everything within yourself; the connection with Hekate and with everything is present within yourself.

When you reach the grove, if you brought your torch, put it out and place it alongside the fire; sit and enjoy the calmness until you feel ready to leave. Before opening your eyes, start moving your fingers, arms, legs, becoming aware of your physical body and position. You may need to ground yourself by touching the ground or by eating something.

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