Hekate Literature
The following literary timeline for the Goddess Hekate is taken from the book Hekate: Liminal Rites by S. d'Este and D. Rankine, 2009. It is included here with kind permission. © Sorita d'Este, all rights reserved.
The Goddess Hekate in Historical Literature
Date Source
C9th BCE Odyssey, Homer
C8th BCE Theogony, Hesiod
C8th BCE Works and Days, Hesiod
C7th BCE Homeric Hymn to Demeter
C7th BCE Fragments, Alkman
C6th BCE Fragments, Hipponax
Early C5th BCE Suppliants, Aeschylus
C5th BCE The Nurses of Dionysus, Aeschylus
C5th BCE Fragments, Aeschylus
C5th BCE Life of Homer, Herodotus
C5th BCE The Histories, Herodotus
C5th BCE On the Sacred Disease, Hippocrates
C5th BCE The Root-Cutters, Sophocles
C5th BCE The Women who say they will expel the Goddess [Hekate], Sophron
C5th BCE Fragments, Eupolis
C5th BCE Fragments, Bacchylides
C5th BCE Purifications, Empedocles
C5th BCE – C2nd CE Bacchic Gold Funeral Tablets
462 BCE Pythian Odes 4, Pindar
450 BCE The Choephori, Aeschylus
442 BCE The Thracian Women, Cratinus
431 BCE Medea, Euripides
420 BCE The Wasps, Aristophanes
414 BCE Iphigenia among the Taurians, Euripides
412 BCE Helen, Euripides
410 BCE Lysistrata, Aristophanes
400 BCE Frogs, Aristophanes
380 BCE Plutus, Aristophanes
C4th BCE Memorabilia, Xenophon
C4th BCE The Harp Maker, Anaxilas
C4th BCE Characters, Theophrastus
C4th BCE Enquiry into Plants, Theophrastus
C4th BCE On Piety, Theophrastus
C3rd BCE Argonautica, Apollonius Rhodius
C3rd BCE Alexandria, Lycophron
C3rd BCE Hymn 3 to Artemis, Callimachus
270 BCE Idylls, Theocritus
C2nd BCE Chronicle, Apollodorus
C2nd BCE – C5th CE Greek Magical Papyri
C1st BCE Library of History, Diodorus Siculus
C1st BCE Carmina, Catullus
c. 40 BCE Eclogues, Virgil
35 BCE Satires, Horace
30 BCE Epodes, Horace
Late C1st BCE The Aeneid, Virgil
8 CE Metamorphoses, Ovid
8 CE Fasti, Ovid
60 CE Pharsalia, Lucan
C1st CE Medea, Seneca
C1st CE Thebaid, Statius
C1st CE Natural History, Pliny
C1st CE Jewish Antiquities, Flavius Josephus
C1st CE The Jewish War, Flavius Josephus
C1st-3rd CE Orphic Hymn to Hekate
Early C2nd CE Moralia, Plutarch
Early C2nd CE Roman Questions, Plutarch
C2nd CE On the Characteristics of Animals, Aelian
C2nd CE Description of Greece, Pausanias
C2nd CE Bibliotheca, Pseudo-Apollodorus
C2nd CE Protrepticus, Clement of Alexandria
C2nd CE Philopseudes, Lucian
C2nd CE Metamorphoses, Antoninus Liberalis
C2nd CE Address to the Greeks, Tatian
C2nd CE The True Word, Celsus
C2nd CE Chaldean Oracles
C2nd CE Papyrus Oxyrynchus
Late C2nd CE Metamorphoses (The Golden Ass), Apuleius
Early C3rd CE The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Philostratus the Athenian
Early C3rd CE Stromata, Clement of Alexandria
C3rd CE Philosophumena or The Refutation of All Heresies, Hippolytus
C3rd CE On the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Iamblichus
C3rd CE On Images, Porphyry
C3rd CE On Abstinence, Porphyry
C3rd CE Prophecy from Oracles, Porphyry
C3rd CE Scholiast on the Cratylus of Plato, Porphyry
C3rd CE The Deipnosophists, Athanaeus
Early C4th CE Praeparatio Evangelica, Eusebius
C4th CE Against the Heathen, Arnobius
C4th CE Institutiones Divinae, Lactantius
C4th CE Orphic Argonautica
411 CE Sermon 241, Augustine
Early C5th CE Hymns, Synesius
C5th CE Dionysiaca, Nonnus
C5th CE Saturnalia, Macrobius
C5th CE Hymn to Hekate and Janus, Proclus
C5th CE Life of Proclus, Marinus
C5th CE Pistis Sophia
Early C6th CE Celestial Hierarchy, Pseudo-Dionysus the Areopagite
C6th CE Difficulties and Solutions of First Principles, Damascius
C6th CE Liber De Mensibus, John Lydus
C6th CE Ethnica, Stephen of Byzantium
C10th CE Suda, Unknown
C11th CE Commentary on the Chaldean Oracles, Michael Psellus
C12th CE Scholiast on Alexandria of Lycophron, John Tzetzes
1533 Of Occult Philosophy, Cornelius Agrippa
1571 Le Imagini Degli Dei Degli Antichi, Vicenzo Cartari
c.1606 Macbeth, William Shakespeare
1795 A New and Complete Illustration of the Occult Sciences, Ebenezer Sibly