"From Crossroad to Crossroad,
the Torchbearers and the Keybearers of your mysteries will always find one another”
~ Rite of Her Sacred Fires, 2010 - Sorita d'Este
What is the Covenant of Hekate all about? The aims and goals, as set out in November 2010 - and which all our members agreed to are:
1. To establish an international society through which the history and mysteries of the Goddess Hekate, as the Cosmic World Soul, are studied, shared and experienced.
2. For each member to strive towards fulfilling their full potential in all that they are and all that they aspire towards becoming.
Membership of the CoH is Free. We welcome all devotees of Hekate - CoH members are asked to complete a membership process with one of our Membership Centres - which includes a ceremony of dedication to the Goddess.
Interested in joining? Explore the list of Membership Centres and see which might be the best fit for you. All members, regardless of which centre they join through will have access to our members groups and activities.
New to your Journey with the Goddess Hekate? We prepared this introduction to take you through some of the essentials. There are also other free resources on this site for you to explore - and in the coming months our team of bloggers, many of them Keybearers and Torchbearers, will be adding a lot more material for you to explore too!
The Covenant of Hekate continues to host the Rite of Her Sacred Fires every year at the Full Moon of May. Anyone can participate, and anyone can host this devotional rite for others in their community too - both in person and online. You can find the text and more information in the Sacred Fires section of this site.

The Covenant of Hekate Seal
I founded The Covenant of Hekate in November 2010 to bring together people who honour the Goddess Hekate, regardless of their tradition – or lack thereof – to share their work, research, devotion and passion for the Goddess Hekate with one another. The Covenant of Hekate seal (or symbol / sigil ) was created my myself it as part of its foundation. It is hard to believe that was so many years ago now!
Background: Before the Covenant of Hekate, I was also the co-founder of the Starstone Network (2000), within an initiatory Craft tradition (Alexandrian lineaged with significant influences from Gardnerian, Welsh Wicca, Thelema and other ceremonial traditions). Hekate was the primary tutelary goddess of the StarStone Network. Alongside my work with the StarStone network, I also co-facilitated a few other thing, led led open rituals for organisations such as the Pagan Federation and Children of Artemis in London (UK), and had the privilege to learn from many teachers – formally and informally. Throughout all of this, Hekate's torches could always be glimpsed, leading the way in one way or another, and she was a frequent topic of conversation.
The Covenant of Hekate Born out of the desire for participants in the first Rite of Her Sacred Fires to stay in touch, the Covenant of Hekate was created by myself, with a group of invited friends and colleagues as co-founders. As part of the foundation ritual for the Covenant of Hekate, I created a seal to represent the primary influences and symbols associated with the Goddess Hekate that influenced the creation of the Covenant.
These can all still be seen in the symbol, which, through use by hundreds of practitioners worldwide since 2010, has gained additional meaning and symbolism over the years. If you have worked with or used this sigil in your work, why not comment on this blog to add your experience and understanding to the discussion? (And link to any work or articles that reference it!)
This graphic was the first to use the seal, it was created by Emily Carding in November 2010 after I showed them the newly created sigil. Emily incorporated additional symbolism in this graphic.
How did I create the seal? The seal of the Covenant of Hekate was created bringing together many different symbols with associations to Hekate into one symbol. There are many techniques that can be used for creating magical seals and sigils, the one I used is based on reduction sigiliation, where you combine and overlap different component parts. This seal, like many others, can also be seen as a gateway through which to understand and commune with the Goddess. It is a symbolic representation, and is used by many people in their ritual practices to achieve exactly this.
The component parts:
The Circle – represents the coming together of peers, with no need for hierarchy. Those with less experience and knowledge can learn from those with more, and visa versa, with a mutual desire for equality. The Circle is also a symbol for magic, as magicians and witches of many different traditions have for millenia used techniques to create a magic circle in which to practice the Arte Magical.
The upwards pointing Moon – or "The Horns of the Moon" –symbolises many things. Firstly, the connection that Hekate has with the Moon, and with the sub-lunar realm (i.e. the world we live in and experience life in). It also represents the magic of the Moon – both in the power it exerts on the earth and life here, but also the mystical aspects that has probably been with us since the first human observed its continuously changing face and pondered its mysteries. The upwards pointing Moon is also representative of the visions and descriptions of Hekate as being crowned with Bull Horns. And finally, the upwards pointing Moon is a container for good luck, much like how horseshoes are used in folk magic.
The equal armed cross inside the circle – This is a symbol of balance, and each quarter it creates represents both the four elements, Air, Fire, Water and Earth and the four corners of the world where Hekate's modern devotees dwell. It could also represent the four seasons or the four winds.
A Circle with an Equal Armed Cross:This symbol overlaps with the circle and equaled armed cross above. This symbol has long been used for good luck, protection and sometimes to represent the Sun and is sometimes known as the Greek Cross. I created the CoH Seal long before first visiting the archaeological site of Hekate's temple at Lagina in modern-day Turkey – it was quite a surprise to me to find the symbol carved multiple times into the temple's steps there. It was unclear from the information that was available to me at the time when these graffiti symbols were carved.
This symbol is also used today as an alchemical symbol representing Earth, one of the domains over which Hekate, according to Hesiod, holds a partial dominion.
The 7-pointed stars:
The 7 pointed stars in each quarter –represent Hekate's mother, Asteria, the Goddess of Divination by Stars. The seven points also represent the seven wandering stars: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. These Wandering Stars are also sometimes known as the ‘deathless powers of the universe’; their universality and endurance are still reflected in the days of the week.
The Waves:
The waves (at the top, above the crescent moon) represent Hekate's association with the ocean and her ability to move between the worlds. It also symbolises Hekate’s ability to flow and move with the tides of life.
I hope that this article has been an interesting read, and that you will take the time to share any additional symbolism you have noticed over the years. Perhaps the symbol has revealed additional layers to you? Maybe you have had it tattooed or used it on candles or other ritual items you have made? Please do feel free to share such images or links below.
A note on use: This symbol is intended for use only by those who have entered into the Covenant of Hekate for which it was intended. As my creation I have given the copyright to the Covenant of Hekate, and as such all dedicated (including devotees, Torchbearer and Keybearer) members are welcome to use it for personal non-commercial use. I have also given permission to all current serving Keybearers of the Covenant of Hekate (as listed on the Covenant's website) to use the symbol for any purpose, including commercial uses, within an appropriate context to use the symbol as they deem necessary. If you want to use the symbol for anything else, or you are unsure, please seek permission from myself or the Covenant of Hekate administration in writing before proceeding. The Goddess is unlikely to smite you with fire from heaven if you steal the symbol or use it out of context, but it doesn't take much to be polite and ask :-)
Many blessings,
Sorita d'Este

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