In today's busy world giving our time to something or someone is the most precious gift we can give. Time as a gift can be invisible, intangible even, but it is precious and should be celebrated.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank and offer gratitude to all the members of the Covenant of Hekate who gave their time, skills and efforts to this new website project (live as of the 13/5/2023). In total more than 40 of you joined the "online work sessions" and gave your time and energy to making this new website happen by creating content, helping with the design and content decisions, doing admin and edits, helping to proof read and much more.

I could make a list of everyone who contributed, but as it is a long list there are two issues: firstly, some members prefer to remain anonymous and secondly, it is inevitable that someone would be left off the list. Instead, I would like to simply say "thank you" -you know who you are - your gift of time and skill to this project has been incredible!
But gratitude for the time and skill offered to the Covenant of Hekate network should be extended further. Not just to those of you who helped with this website.
Our Keybearers & Membership Sanctuaries
The Keybearers are individuals who have been invited to hold co-responsibility for the Covenant of Hekate. Each of us chose a subject to represent for Hekate, mine was the Magic of the Moon, and undertook to further the knowledge and experience others have access to on that topic.
For more than a year now, several Keybearers have also taken on the work of helping to decentralise the Covenant of Hekate by creating localised or topic lead Membership Sanctuaries. This divides the work of administration between us, and also allows for better networking between members based on locality, language and interests. If you are thinking of joining you will find a list of the membership sanctuaries here.
Our Torchbearers & Sanctuaries
Torchbearers are those individuals who undertook to also shine light for others, to help newcomers or others needing help to better understand Hekate or the Covenant of Hekate. Some Torchbearers also host Sanctuaries, devotional spaces from where they enable gatherings - online or in person (or both!).
Noumenia News & other projects
The Editor and team of the quarterly Covenant of Hekate newsletter, Noumenia News, has done an incredible job for years now! You can share your own original work - research, art, devotional, photos, news or events through the newsletter - and read the work of others. An archive is available - and it is a veritable treasure trove.
The Future
Offering devotion by offering your time is a wonderful way to deepen your own understanding of Hekate, while at the same time creating learning or experiential opportunities for others. If you are a member and you would like to see something happen, open discussion on it! And remember, it can only happen if members make it happen - so do volunteer and get actively involved. There are always ways - how about starting by reading and contributing to Noumenia News? Or by starting a discussion on your favourite Hekate-related topic? Contributing to a discussion? Attending the online socials? (or if that is not your time zone, offer to host one in your time zone!). Offer to lead an activity?
Devotional sacrifices, in the 21st century, does not always have to be shown with food, wine and incense offerings - we can also offer our most precious thing - time.
Many blessings,
Sorita d'Este
"Amongst the Immortal Gods Hekate has never said to the wise spokesmen of the Gods anything vain or unfulfilled..." – Ronan's Chaldean Oracles
I would also like to thank everybody who has taking part in making not only this page but also the Covenant of Hekate the great community that it is. <3