A Ritual Necklace for November
by Leohnorah
Recently, many of us bought CoH symbol pendants from Grai Matter. I designed this lovely necklace to wear the CoH pendant, but you can choose a different pendant. Necklaces are often worn as symbols of life, death, and rebirth which is fitting for this time of year. Hekate’s days in November will be ideal times to bless ritual jewelry in her honor.
Metal Pendant
Black glass seed beads
Metal spacer beads that match your chosen pendant.
Volcanic rock beads
String of suitable size for threading beads (I used a thin waxed string for extra strength.)
Oil sacred to Hekate (I used Sun’s Eye brand Hekate Oil, you can also personalize with your own blends.)
Optional Supplies:
A few larger black beads or metallic charms to frame the pendant
Bead needle for easy threading
Bead crafting tray for planning
You can modify my instructions to suit your own style and sizing. When arranging beads, you can use symbolic or sacred numbers of beads. I used groups of 9 and 3 separated by metal spacers. When tying off the necklace, don’t be afraid to tie beyond a triple knot! Good quality thread and firm knotting will make your necklace last for many years.
Cut your string between 40-45 inches (100-115 cm)
Pre-plan your necklace pattern with the pendant in the center and both sides symmetrical.
String the beads until your necklace is around 30 inches (75 cm) long. The necklace should be long enough to fit over your head easily. Test size and add more beads as desired.
Tie the ends together (Triple knot at least!) and trim excess string.
Consecrate your necklace by anointing the volcanic rock beads with the oil. Leave the jewelry on your altar or shrine overnight before wearing. The volcanic rock beads will absorb the oil, and the sacred scent will be infused.

Originally published in NN Issue 52
This is and feels amazing! love the use of the pendant as well. Blessed be!
This is so beautiful!
Amazing. I love projects like this.
Thank you so much for this beautiful idea and the detailed instructions 🤗 I love it!!!
Amei, lindo, parabéns pela idéia e dicas