For the Winter Solstice, much emphasis is placed on what the sun is doing, that its time of exposure to us has waned. In my experience, some Pagan groups in my local area have even held vigils through the night until they can all watch the sunrise together. But what of it being the longest night, allowing a longer window of time for the moon and stars to possibly be visible?
The window of time may not matter much depending on the phase and cycle of the moon. The moon may not be visible if it rises or sets during daylight hours. But this is no matter for worry since, as witches, we can bring the energy of the moon in through other ways and make use of these long winter nights! A long and dark night is a good time for intensive dream work, and the platform a dream provides is a solid meeting ground for us and Hekate. This salve utilizes plants associated with the Moon to aid you in having very vivid dreams.
1 cup Coconut Oil
¼ cup Beeswax
Wooden utensil or stick for mixing
2 oz. Mugwort
2 oz. Cinquefoil
1 oz. Poppyseeds (or Lavender)
A wide pot with enough water for double boiling
Pyrex glass measuring cups
Small Jars or Tins (You’ll possibly need between 5 and 20 depending on what size containers you choose. If using small makeup sized ones, you will need more.)
If you have an empty or old makeup container, you can clean it out and use it to hold your salve! A small lip gloss or tiny powder jar will work well. Please research what plants are legal to use in your country. Poppyseeds are commonly used in cooking breads and cakes in the US, and we can buy them at grocery and spice stores. For those who cannot, replacing the poppyseeds with lavender buds works to achieve the same vivid dreaming purpose even though the energy of the salve will be slightly different.
If your workplace requires drug testing, I recommend you make the lavender version just to be certain you won’t have any issues arise. Ultimately, it is your responsibility and your choice, and I do not claim any liability for your choices. I cannot say for certain whether the poppyseed would affect such a test, so use at your own risk.
Blend herbs and coconut oil in one Pyrex measuring cup.
Fill pot with water and heat till boiling. double-boil the oil and herb blend in a pot on low heat for 1 hour.
Melt beeswax using double boil method in a separate Pyrex measuring cup to measure out the amount.
Strain the melted oil through cheese cloth and combine with melted beeswax. Use a clean wooden utensil or stick to blend until even (do not use for culinary purposes).
Pour mixture into small containers or into a mason jar. Allow to cool and solidify. Then close containers and store in a cool dark place or on your bedside.
How to Use the Salve:
Right before laying down for bed, rub a little bit of the Moon Dream Salve on your forehead right over your “third eye”. You may say a hymn to Hekate, or a petition for her to come visit you in your dreams while you apply the salve. Lie down immediately for bed, do not look at your phone or read. Only use this salve right before sleeping, do not use during daytime or before performing any activity other than sleep. Take care of setting any alarms or tasks before you use the salve.
Once you lay down for bed, just rest and fall asleep naturally. If you are making the recipe with lavender instead of poppyseeds, you may have some extra running thoughts before bed, but you will rest soon enough. Don’t try to suppress or control the thoughts, just let them run out naturally until you fall asleep. Be still and breathe easily.
Your dreams throughout the night will be more vivid than usual. Be sure to have a pen and paper or your journal to record any important details about your dreams after you wake up.
Previously shared in NN Issue 54