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Join date: May 12, 2023


Hello and thank you for visiting my profile. My name is Cece and I've been a devotee of the CoH since January 2018. I’ve volunteered in the past as a proofreader for Noumenia News, I’m a reporter for the CoH Network social media pages and I’ve started writing for the CoH website Blog. I’m a second degree priestess initiated in the Gardnerian tradition and spent seven years in a Wiccan coven where I was introduced to Hecate. I’ve taken many courses and workshops over the years to strengthen my understanding of Hecate with a variety of devoted instructors including: Sorita d’Este, Jack Grayle, Emily Carding, and Jason Miller. I’m an avid reader and two of my most used books are Hekate Liminal Rites by Sorita d’Este and Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship by Labrys. Currently, I’m a student on the priestess path in the Fellowship of Isis. I no longer participate in the religion of Wicca because my path has branched off in a different direction, so I’m re-training myself to be solely a priestess of Hecate. For now, I’m a loose practitioner of ancient Hellenic traditions, walking the crossroads of life guided by the moonfire of Her torches.

My special areas of focus include crafting eco-friendly ritual tools, growing herbs for healing tea potions, saving the bees, and falling down the deep rabbit holes Hecate leads me into and sharing what I learn. I have a college certificate in Community Herbalism and I’m a self-taught visual artist with a passion for teaching people how to reconnect with nature and create their own magickal tools to help reduce consumer related pollution. This has been the path Hecate has been leading me on after guiding me through a few years of deep shadow work and introducing me to Her Sacred Garden. I’m very familiar with Hecate as a Dark Goddess and now She is showing me Herself as the Goddess of Nature and the Fates. First She gently unveiled Her epithet Physis (Nature) and showed me Her role as creator and animator of every living thing on land, in the sea, and in the starry heavens. Then, much to my surprise, She showed me Herself as a Mistress of the Fates and a Queen of the Faeries. Oh my!

My future goals as a Torchbearer of Hecate now include hosting a CoH sanctuary dedicated to Hecate as the Goddess of Nature for creative manifesting through crafting with Physis. I plan on sharing my many rabbit-hole adventures on the CoH Blog and the COH Network. Whichever direction my path takes me next, I know the CoH will always be my True North..

May you always deserve everything you receive,

Rabbit Ass Cece 🐇


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